NOTICE: We no longer offer direct-to-home delivery. Feel free to reach out about bulk purchasing or wholesale ordering.
Chocolate Milk A2/A2 (Select Size)

Chocolate Milk A2/A2 (Select Size)

pint, quart, 1/2 gallon

Have you ever picked up a gallon of milk at he grocery store and wondered where it came from or if it has been altered in any way?

You no longer have to wonder! We are a family farm committed to producing highest quality fresh milk.

Or Jersey cows aren't confined to stalls and enjoy fresh green pasture grass during the summer; in the winter, we feed them stored hay. They ware not fed grain or any by-products. Our cows are also tested to produce milk containing the original A2 protein, and no other mutated A1 protein.

We bottle milk daily, right on the farm! This means the cream will naturally rise to the top. Shake and enjoy, or pour the cream off for coffee and more!
